
楊思源 Sze Yuan Yang      ※閱覽議程
東生華製藥股份有限公司 總經理
General Manager of TSH Biopharm Co., Ltd.




With 23 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, I have a proven track record. I've had the privilege of leading multifunctional teams that successfully obtained over 60 drug licenses and facilitated commercialization across Asia. Our collaborations extended across Europe, the Americas, Japan, and several Southeast Asian countries, fostering partnerships and nurturing talented individuals along the way.

Stepping into the role of the second General Manager at TSH Biopharm, I've remained dedicated to our established expertise in cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and autoimmune disease areas. However, I've also introduced innovative elements to strengthen our product portfolio's competitiveness. Furthermore, I've been actively working to assist researchers and early-stage startup companies in transitioning their innovations into practical clinical applications and commercialization, all with the goal of providing a more comprehensive range of treatment options.


TSH Mental Health Support-Employee Assistance Programs


東生華員工心理健康支持方案 (EAP) 是一項旨在照顧我們員工心理健康的關鍵計畫。我們深知,在快節奏的職場生活中,壓力和挑戰不可避免。因此,我們提供全面的支援,以確保每位員工都能夠在工作和生活之間實現平衡。

EAP 不僅提供專業心理諮詢,還提供資源和工具,幫助他們更好地管理工作壓力。我們鼓勵員工隨時使用這項服務,無論是面對個人挑戰還是職場問題,都能獲得支持。


The TSH Biopharm Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a crucial initiative aimed at caring for the mental well-being of our employees. We understand that in the fast-paced world of the workplace, stress and challenges are inevitable. Therefore, we provide comprehensive support to ensure that each employee can achieve a balance between work and life.

EAP not only offers professional psychological counseling but also provides resources and tools to help employees better manage work-related stress. We encourage employees to use this service at any time, whether they are facing personal challenges or workplace issues, to receive the support they need.

Mental health is paramount to the overall happiness and job performance of our employees. As a result, TSH Biopharm will continue to prioritize and support our team, ensuring that every-one can work in a healthy, happy, and motivated environment.


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