服務軟體產業超過 10 年,曾擔任IBM業務,現任偉康科技策略長暨發言人,管理行銷與業務兩大部門,具備豐富市場競爭策略與卓越領導力!在市場競爭策略方面擁有豐富的經驗,能夠洞察產業趨勢,發展出具有前瞻性的策略,帶領公司在激烈的市場環境中脫穎而出。
Over 10 years expertise in ICT industry with prior experience from software to service consultant at IBM, currently Michelle serves as the Chief Strategy Officer and Spokesperson at WebComm Technology (6865), and takes lead for both Sales and Marketing team, with 5 year go-to-market strategic plan with execution.
Having fruitful experience in market awareness and diversified development, Michelle shows great leadership to lead the team towards the goal and stand out among the competitive market.
偉康科技 2023 年針對技術社群推廣「WebCommunity計畫」規劃一系列活動,在社群上成為風潮!不分國籍、性別只論技術的交流,實踐企業EDI平等、多元文化與共融政策。議程中將分享企業和組織面臨的國際化趨勢,探討如何擴展員工的事也並在這個變化迅速的世界中保持競爭力。
In 2023, WebComm Technology is planning a series of events under the "WebCommunity Project" aimed at promoting technology communities, becoming a trend on social media! Regardless of nationality or gender, the focus will solely be on technical exchange, putting into practice corporate EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) and multicultural policies. The agenda will include discussions on the internationalization trends that businesses and organizations face, exploring how to expand employee engagement and maintain competitiveness in this rapidly changing world.