Paul Walton

Paul Walton      ※閱覽議程
University of York Professor
University of Nottingham Chemistry Ph.D.

Postdoctoral research fellow, University of California at Berkeley, 1991-1993
Lecturer, University of York, 1993-1997
Senior Lecturer, University of York, 1998-1999
Biography for Paul Walton
Paul Walton obtained his PhD in 1990 (University of Nottingham, UK), followed by two years as a NATO/SERC postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. He joined the Department of Chemistry at University of York as a faculty member in 1993. Between 2004 and 2010 he was chair of department. His main research area is bioinorganic chemistry, in which he has made contributions to the understanding of copper oxidases, including the discovery of the histidine brace. 

He is the recipient of multiple national* and international** awards, including:
Teaching: RSC's Higher Education Teaching Award,** Vice-Chancellor's Teaching Award.
Research: Gertrude Cropper Award, RSC's Joseph Chatt Award,** IChemE's Global Energy Award,** RSC's Rita and John Cornforth Award,** University of Chalmers Jubilee professor.**

Equality: Royal Society's inaugural Athena Prize* (runner up). WISE man of the year shorlist.*

He has also been Editor of Dalton Transactions (2004-2008), chair of Heads of Chemistry UK, chair of the Royal Society of Chemistry's Diversity Committee, was named as a 'Person of Influence' by the University of Toronto's Women in Chemistry Group and is one the RSC's 175 Faces of Chemistry. Paul is an internationally-known advocate of equality in sciences and lectures widely on the subject.